July 2022 Luncheon Lineup

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, July 5th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.


Featured Speaker:
Jennifer Wiggins
Clear SEM Solutions

Featured Topic:
Here’s The List, Now Check It Twice
Do you know where your domain name is registered or when it expires? Do you have access to it? Do you have the correct file format of your company logo saved? Do you know who has control or access to your Social Media platforms? Some things are easy to remember, but too often we forget about the “digital” parts of our business. Empower yourself now with this helpful list, and remember to check it twice a year.

Please mark that you are planning to attend on Facebook.

Vero Beach:

When: Friday, July 8th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Speakers:
Cheryl Zuppa and Ingrid Hernandez

Featured Topic:
Fountain of Youth

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.


When: Wednesday, July 20th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Vanessa Sticker
Accurate Home Inspections

4 Unforgettable Tips for Life Success

Work smart
Go with the flow
Have FUN
Create a personal version

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal! Only available end of June through July 5th.
Become a July 2022 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available for 2023.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.


Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year! While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as TreasureCoast.com for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons; it’s going to be a wonderful year!

Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
Sponsored by:
White Glove Moving & Storage and TreasureCoast.com

June 2022 Luncheon Topics/Speakers

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, June 7th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Amy Thorton
O’Donnel Impact Windows & Storm Protection

Featured Topic:
Hurricane Season Is Here – Don’t Panic!

Please mark that you are planning to attend on Facebook by clicking here.

Vero Beach:

When: Friday, June 10th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Lisa Duke
Certified Life and Weight Coach

Featured Topic:
Secrets of Losing 50 Pounds

• The #1 most important thing you MUST know to be able to stay the course.

• 3-part framework for losing weight to get where you want to be in a way that is sustainable for the long haul

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.


When: Wednesday, June 15th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Blanca E Rodriguez

Benefits and Contraindications of Massage Therapy for Humans and Dogs Alike

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal! Only available end of May through June 6th.

Become a June 2022 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available for 2023.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.


Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year! While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as TreasureCoast.com for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons; it’s going to be a wonderful year!

Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
Sponsored by:
White Glove Moving & Storage and TreasureCoast.com

May 2022 Women’s Networking Luncheon

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie: When: Tuesday, May 3rd

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Guaranteed Garage Door & Repair

Featured Topic:
Hurricane Preparedness

  • Securing the largest moving part of your home.
    How an impact garage door can save your home.
    Learn about what actionable steps you can take before the hurricane.
    Learn what happens when your garage door gets breached during a hurricane.


Vero Beach:When: Friday, May 13th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Jennifer Wiggins

Featured Topic:
The balancing act of Working IN your business and Working ON your business.

  • How much time should you spend working in your business versus working on your business?
    What is the difference between the two? How important is it to work on your business instead of in your business?
    Jennifer will be sharing her knowledge from managing several businesses over the last 15 years of the ideal balance to make your business successful.


Stuart:When: Wednesday, May 18th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Becky Moon

  • Topic:
    Find Your Happy in the Chaos.
    How? Open your mind.
    Why? Change from the comfortable and start over.
    What’s in it for me?

Details to Know:
ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess. emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
*Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Booking now for balance of 2022. Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.

treasure coast premier womens networking

January 2022 Treasure Coast Networking Luncheons

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.
Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!
Port St. Lucie:

  • When: Tuesday, Jan. 4th
  • Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
    Where: Tutto Fresco
  • Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
  • Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Topic:
Vero Beach Quilt Guild
Treasures of the Treasure Coast
January 28-29th, 2022
Indian River County Fairgrounds.

Charity for this show is the Vero Beach Life Guard Association.
Raffle Quilt:
“Sand and Sea” by designers Ann Bryant, Barbara Scamhorn and Laddie Kruiten and our guild ladies making the blocks.

Featured Speaker:
Diane Miller


Vero Beach:

  • When: Friday, Jan. 14th
  • Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
    Where: Crab Stop
  • Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
    Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Donna Roberts Mitchell
Planet Vero Radio, TV & Podcasting

Featured Topic:
Telling of the story “Inky and the Conquering of the Obstacles.”


  • When: Wednesday, Jan. 19th
  • Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
  • Where: Eagle’s Marsh
  • Address: 3869 NW Royal Oak Dr, Jensen Beach, FL 34957
  • Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Want that new headshot Jan. 19th?

Cost: $50 must schedule in advance with Patty D directly: 732-991-5483
***Headshots will begin at 10:45am-12pm then again from 1:30-2:30pm day of. All finalized pictures will be emailed.

Optional: hair and makeup freshening (10 minute) by Styles 2 NV for just $25. Must pre-register so timing can be planned.

Cash or check accepted day of made out to Patty D Photography and Styles 2 NV respectively.

Featured Speaker:
Patty Marchesi with Patty D Photography

New Year/New Headshot!

You don’t need a professional headshot……you ‘DESERVE’ a professional head shot.
It’s tempting to hang on to an older headshot that you love…Don’t do it. A new professional head shot will make you feel happy and proud and will serve you and your business.
You don’t get a second chance to make a ‘First Impression’ so make sure your one shot counts.
With a great head shot….your professionalism and personality will shine through opening doors .


What to Bring & What to Expect:

  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker. *special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.
  • 30second promotion opportunity
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room
  • 1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
  • Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch.
  • Bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing.
  • The other half of the pot will go to the waitstaff.
    $5 for 3
    $2 for 1

Be found 24/7!
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year! While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

*Speaker opportunities available, $50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net for more information.
Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as TreasureCoast.com for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons!

Santa’s Lights with the MCRTC Dec. 10th at 5:30pm!

On this show, Anna Valencia Tillery with White Glove Moving & Storage is joined by the 2021 President of the MCRTC, Andy Spears. Last year, when the Stuart, FL parade had to cancel the realtors and affiliates of the Martin County Realtors of the Treasure Coast(MCRTC) stepped in. Why? Because the county and it’s fine folks needed the spirit and lights that only the holidays can provide. Thus, a walking trail of themed trees full of light and joy accompanied by signs with logos of the fine companies that took the time to donate a tree emerged.

So, grab your family and friend and join the fun including movie, hot chocolate, carolers, snack truck, holiday dancers and Santa. Bring chairs, come ready to feel the spirit of the Season.

When: Dec. 10th

Time: 5:30-8:pm

Where: Stuart Fl Memorial Park off East Ocean (South Entrance)

How long will it last: Dec. 10-28th, 2021

treasure coast premier womens network

December 2021 Networking

Ready to meet great women and grow your circle of influence?
Welcome to the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network.
Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
*1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
*2nd Friday- Vero Beach
*3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Though we do meet monthly, there will be more festive attire and fun to be had throughout December starting with our Port St. Lucie networking luncheon.
*When: Tuesday, Dec. 7th

*Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
*Where: Tutto Fresco
*Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
*Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*This is non-refundable.

Featured Activity:
ABC Holiday Game
Unveiling of the Christmas Key Scroll/
Available for Purchase

Next, plan to join us for the Vero Beach networking luncheon:

*When: Friday, Dec. 10thTime: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
*Where: Crab Stop

*Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
*Vero Beach, FL 32960

*Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Activity:
Ornament Exchange
Unveiling of the Christmas Key Scroll/
Available for Purchase

Lastly, we have our Stuart networking luncheon:

  • When: Wednesday, Dec. 15th
  • Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
  • Where: Eagle’s Marsh
  • Address: 3869 NW Royal Oak Dr, Jensen Beach, FL 34957
  • Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Activity:
Ugly sweater contest
Unveiling of the Christmas Key Scroll/
Available for Purchase

In the event you want to chat with someone for further details, please reach out to ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess. emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 75 ladies; first come/first serve, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker. *special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.
  • 30second promotion opportunity
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room
  • 1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
  • Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch.
  • Bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing.
  • The other half of the pot will go to the waitstaff.
    $5 for 3
    $2 for 1
  • Be found 24/7!
    Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year! While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.
  • *Speaker opportunities available for the second half of 2022, $50 plus cost of your lunch.
    Email AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net for more information.
    Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as TreasureCoast.com for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons; it’s been a great year!


treasure coast premier women

Millie Del Grosso: Gone but Never Forgotten

Millie Del Grosso spent her life joyfully, prayerfully and lovingly touching the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people young and old, reaching out to offer whatever assistance was required to meet a need or solve a problem.

A widely known and a beloved teacher at Vero Beach High School for more than two decades, and a cherished presence in the community, Del Grosso died Aug. 18 at Hospice House, surrounded by the love of family, friends, and fellow St. Helen parishioners who sat round-the-clock vigil in her final days.

The Boston native settled in Vero Beach and began her teaching career, quickly winning the hearts and stimulating the minds of co-workers and students alike. She painted her little house a bright, sunny yellow, and welcomed friends and neighbors, providing a home not only for visiting students, but also stray dogs and cats, nurturing all who crossed her threshold.

Throughout the school district, Del Grosso was known for her love of school sports, and was a familiar presence at home games, rooting at the top of her lungs for the Fighting Indians.

Peggy Poysell, Indian River School District administrative assistant, said. “I’ve known Millie for over 30 years. I first met her when working at VBHS. Millie became a friend, confidante, role model, not just for me, but for many, many other people – students and peers,” Poysell said. “She was always there to mentor or console anyone in distress. She was fun loving and full of life. I treasure the memories of Millie and view her as one of the true angels on earth. I will miss her greatly, but I know where she is: singing in the heavenly choir, as we speak.

Former Vero Beach High School student Cathy Pereira-Sanders, credited Del Grosso with being “the reason I am the mother and professional I am today. She invested in a 16-year-old who knew nothing about herself, but Millie saw all the potential and nourished that.”

Hard-wired as she always was to help others, Del Grosso soon developed more than a few interests outside the classroom, as reflected in her social media bio where she introduced herself as “an entrepreneur with a huge heart for God, family, kids, cooking, helping people and worldwide travel.” She enjoyed the joys of travel almost to the end, adding Jamaica to her list of visited places in June.

About a month after that trip in late July, Del Grosso suffered a heart attack, from which she never recovered. In the days prior, Del Grosso was so full of energy and enthusiasm –always busy, but never too busy to help a friend. Among her many outreach projects, she was especially proud of being a founding member of The Young Entrepreneur Project and “chief cook and bottle washer at Millie’s Meals and Handy Hands of Vero Beach, created “to enable people to live independent lives.”

Del Grosso was an active, devoted parishioner at her beloved St. Helen Catholic Church, serving wherever needed, (including the annual Harvest Festival soup kitchen). Sanchez shared that her Mom, at one time, had been a nun, but early on realized her true calling was to service in the world outside the order.

As word of Del Grosso’s hospitalization spread, many hundreds of phone calls, emails and social media posts began flooding in from people whose lives Millie had touched: a multitude of loving, touching, heartfelt, often funny recollections of a woman who, as her daughter Traci Sanchez succinctly put it, “gave all she had to others daily.”

Sanchez, along with Del Grosso’s daughter Tricia Prince, and her sister Judy Montiero, had flown in from Tennessee and, says Sanchez, “we’ve been overwhelmed by the whole community reaching out to us. On my Facebook page alone there were more than 800 comments, and hundreds more on mom’s page. To see all the lives she touched makes us very proud of our mom. She was a blessing, a vessel. She had a servant’s heart.
To our group, Millie was a staple. You could count on her to be sipping on white zinfandel while selling 50/50 tickets raising money for our local charity or waitstaff. She enjoyed being a part of the networking and building relationships with us all. Always smiling, always willing to lend a hand and share words of praise, Millie will be dearly missed. A special prize will be given for each lunch in Vero Beach through the end of the year in her honor and her directory listing we be left in her honor. Until we meet again.

treasure coast premier womens network

Madison’s Miracles Donation

In early 2021, White Glove Moving & Storage was elated to align with the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network and award Madison’s Miracles with a check to help support their cuddle cot program.  This growing organization serves  families dealing with infant loss throughout Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River counties.  The cuddle cot gives the gift of time for families wishing to say good bye to their stillborn babies.  Additionally, the group hosts a number of group counseling sessions, baskets for grieving families and they also help to fund funerals

For business professionals and organization chairs, the thriving ladies luncheon group is a positive group that is just the cost of the lunch. To help plan, luncheon meetings are held in Vero the second Friday of each month, Port St. Lucie the 1st Tuesday and in Stuart the 3rd Wednesday. In order to reserve, an online reservation must be made to help the restaurants plan accordingly. During the meeting, all who attend get a chance to give a commercial, testimonial and are encouraged to bring door prizes for additional recognition. Each lunch attendance helps to serve the community while providing an encouraging atmosphere to promote and build relationships.


TreasureCoast.com Becomes a New Partner!

Helping our group to grow is paramount in it’s ongoing success. Hence, it was exciting to discover the event calendar for TreasureCoast.com and how active the website is for breaking news, events and more.  As the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network, it made sense to align with this digital partner and help spread the word about our ladies’ luncheon group. Of course, the collaboration quickly grew with the addition of the talk radio show hosted by Anna Valencia Tillery, The Treasure Coast Insider.  With weekly recognition of this informative local site, links for the weekly show will be shared on the various Breaking News Facebook pages that coincide with TreasureCoast.com. Taking it a step further, the promotions on TreasureCoast.com will also include ads and coverage of the Treasure Coast’s most trusted movers, White Glove Moving & Storage. It will be super exciting to see the traction the weekly White Glove chuckle will get as a result!

treasure coast premier womens network

For fellow networking ladies, be sure to utilize the free calendar of events with TreasureCoast.com to promote and highlight your events too. Take advantage of their mobile platform and Facebook Breaking News pages for fresh content and more. Media kits are available and can be found online along with a digital Hurricane and Holiday resource center. With so much great and fresh information on this site, you will love sharing it with others just like our ladies’ lunch group.

In conclusion, the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network is a great group that allows ladies to network when it works in one’s schedule with no annual fee or mandatory attendance required. Keep in mind, the luncheon website is where you can create a directory listing and be found 24/7. The TCPremierWomensNetwork.com is also the one stop resource for up to date information about the luncheons, links to purchase tickets, check out our featured members, subscribe to be in our database, link to our Facebook group and more.  However, for up to date breaking news throughout the Treasure Coast be sure to check and subscribe to TreasureCoast.com, a new trusted media partner for the luncheons, radio talk show and White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery.

Now the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network with Meetings in PSL

Luncheon Craft:
Holiday Ornament
Laura will guide us on
Featured Speaker:
Laura Lucas
Treasure Coast premier provider of acrylic art workshops, as well as private parties, team building workshops, fundraising opportunities and now, virtual painting workshops.
Laura and Cathy Policare, founded Dabble In Color in 2019 after retiring early from USA Today NETWORK after a combined 65+ years. Both wanted to pursue their passion for art by providing a creative outlet for their community. When the pandemic hit in March, they expanded to provide Virtual Art Workshops and have found success in shipping packages and providing live, online instruction for the community in the safety of their own homes.
When: Tuesday, Dec. 1st, 2020
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Shindigs Irish Pub
Cost: $20 plus processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. The other half of the pot will go to the waitstaff hit hard during covid.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1
Sign up to be in our directory and be found 24/7! Check out other great networking ladies, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.
Also, remember our other monthly meetings:
2nd Friday: Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday: Stuart
About the Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network Luncheon
How Do You Secure Your Spot?
ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess and Vice President of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is proud to put on this monthly function in each county making up the Treasure Coast. Details about the luncheon and what to expect are as follows:
Maximum of 50 ladies; first come/first serve,and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly.
  • Non industry exclusive, ladies only.
  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Program will start at 12 p.m.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Take the time to mix and mingle, be respectful of social distancing and the requests of fellow networkers.
  • Enjoy a fabulous lunch while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
  • 30-45 second promotion opportunity for yourself/business.
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room
  • 1 door prize per person (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with business cards.
  • Want to find someone? Use our website directory. Want to be found? Create your listing on our website and be found 24/7.
  • Discounts for those in the network are encouraged and can be promoted during your commercial and on our FB page every Tuesday., Testimonials can be shared every Thursday on this group page this is where you can something nice about someone else
  • Other days of the week are for posts about inspiration, community events, questions, etc. and will be approved on a per post basis.
Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
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