May 2023 Lineup and Networking Opportunities

Port St. Lucie:
When: Tues, May 2nd
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Tutto Fresco
Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Dawn Maschas
Special Projects Coordinator
Featured Topic
How voluntary benefits can help you and your family stay financially secure in times of need.
Last year Aflac paid out over 2 billion dollars in claims and helps more than 50 million ppl worldwide.
Policies start at $5.00 a week
Vero Beach:
When: Fri, May 12th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Armani’s Cucina
Address: 1920 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960
*parking available in the parking lot, street and alley behind.
***3rd time will be a charm at our new lunch spot w/ new drink special pricing and more.
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Environmental Learning Center
Featured Topic:
Your Connection to
Mother Nature
When: Wed. May 17th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Michelina’s Restaurant
Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
 Karlei Grier
Featured Topic:
“What is Title Insurance”: Protecting your Largest investment
Title insurance is a type of insurance that protects real estate owners and lenders from financial loss due to defects in the title or ownership of a property.
It is recommended that buyers of real estate in Florida obtain title insurance to protect themselves from any unforeseen title issues that could arise in the future.
Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843 (call or text).
Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket
What to Bring & What to Expect:
  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.
*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.
  • 30 second promotion opportunity
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.
  • 1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.
Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1
Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.
Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons.

April Speaker & Luncheon Lineup

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tues, April 4th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Amanda Stagg

Featured Topic
Customization Makes All the Difference.

Vero Beach:

When: Fri, April 14th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Armani’s Cucina

Address: 1920 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960
*parking available in the parking lot, street and alley behind.

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Lisa Rowe Glickoff
Makeupology Store, DSDT, Coney Island Detroit Food Truck, Outdoorsy

Featured Topic:
Managing Multiple Businesses
Managing Tasks


When: Wed. April 19th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Silvana Cuadrado

Featured Topic:

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
Become an April 2023 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843 (call or text).

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons.

March 2023 Speaker Line Up

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tues, March 7th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
This is non-refundable.

Weight University from Lisa Duke Coaching is different. Lisa works with clients one on one to uncover and address the mental, emotional, spiritual, and hormonal challenges that are keeping them stuck on their weight loss journey. Once these underlying issues are addressed, clients are able to change their habits to look and feel better than ever before.

Featured Speaker:
Lisa Duke

Featured Topic
Weight Loss for Women Over 40

The diet industry is full of different products and plans to help you lose weight. Unfortunately, many of these approaches only give temporary results, and are not designed for the changing bodies and lives of women in their 40s and beyond.

Vero Beach:

When: Fri, March 10th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Armani’s Cucina

Address: 1920 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Lisa Michaels

Featured Topic:
Personal Power
Self Validation


When: Wed. March. 15th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Vanessa Dyer

Featured Topic:
Debunking Myths about Dietitians
Common myths about Dietitians and learn what we really do

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
Become a March 2023 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons.

February 2023: For the Love of Networking

Love to Network? Join Us! Grow your referral and resources partners in 2023.
Port St. Lucie:
When: Tuesday, Feb. 7th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Tutto Fresco
Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
When: Tuesday, Feb. 7th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Tutto Fresco
Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
Featured Speaker:
Mrs. Jerry Koedyker
Featured Topic
Love Taking the Time to Care for Yourself
Vero Beach:
When: Friday, Feb. 10th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Armani’s Cucina
Address: 1920 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Shanen Cox
Veteran’s Council of IR County
Featured Topic:
Home of the Free Because of the Brave.
Ways we can show our appreciation.
When: Wed., Feb. 15th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Michelina’s Restaurant
Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
 Tess Tetrault
Treasure Coast Medium
Featured Topic:
Love Never Dies
1- Love Never dies and either do we
2- Our heart energy connects us to each other.. for eternity
3- Signs our loved ones leave for us everyday
4- How we can be more receptive
5- Connecting to your Divine self for Joy and inspiration
ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843
Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.
What to Bring & What to Expect:
  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.
*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.
  • 30 second promotion opportunity
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.
  • 1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are notconsidered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.
Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1
Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

January: Networking in the New Year

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.
Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!
Port St. Lucie:
When: Tuesday, Jan 3rd
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Tutto Fresco
Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Blanca E Rodriguez
Author, Canine Massage Therapy, Massage Therapy
Featured Topic
Massage for menopause, is it good for mental health?
  1. Definition of mental health
  2. How menopausal stages can challenge mental health
  3. Can massage help?
Vero Beach:
When: Friday, Jan. 13th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Vero Heritage & Citrus Museum
Field Trip Event to Support 2 Local Non-Profits!
Free Entry to Museum for Touring.
Extra Prizes from White Glove Moving & Storage.
Address: 2140 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Featured Topic:
Annual Quilt Show
February 10th and 11th, 2023 Indian River County Fairgrounds.
*The show will have Music, Food Vendors, over 100 quilts and 50-100 Art Pieces.
*This year our Charity Quilt is a Wool wall hanging and it’s called Potted Petals. It’s a beautiful floral quilt and tickets are a dollar a chance.
When: Wed., Jan. 18th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Michelina’s Restaurant
Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)
Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.
Featured Speaker:
Lisa Duke
Certified Life and Weight Coach
Featured Topic:
Lose Weight and Feel Great in 2023
The problem is that we are eating when we aren’t hungry.
The solution is to remove what’s driving that extra eating.
The process is her ACE Weight Loss Methodology.
Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843
Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.
What to Bring & What to Expect:
  • Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.
  • Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).
  • Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.
*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.
  • 30 second promotion opportunity
  • Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.
  • 1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.
  • Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.
Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1
Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.
Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons. It is going to be a great year ahead!
treasure coast premier womens network

December: Fun and Festive Networking All Month Long

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, Dec. 6th
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.


Featured Speaker:
Christmas Key Scroll

Featured Activity:
Christmas Music Bingo
Prizes from
White Glove Moving & Storage

Come dressed festive for the holiday!


Vero Beach:

When: Friday, Dec. 9th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Christmas Key Scroll

Featured Activity:
Christmas Chocolate Kisses
*Each guest will get a bag of m&m’s for this activity…
Prizes provided by White Glove Moving & Storage

Come dressed festive for the holiday!


When: Wed., Dec. 21st

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees.
You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.

Please click here to purchase your spot.
*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Christmas Key Scroll

Featured Activity:
Christmas Emoji Fun
Prizes provided by
White Glove Moving & Storage

Come dressed festive for the holiday!


Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
Become a December 2022 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available for 2023 in July.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.

Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons; it’s been a wonderful year!

Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
Sponsored by:
White Glove Moving & Storage and

November 2022: Grateful to Network

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, Nov. 1st

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Desirae Mearns
Director of Business Development for ComForcare Home Care
Treasure Coast.

Featured Topic:
OMG I’m getting older!
“The Talk”
Caregiver Roulette
You’re never too old to have a purpose


Vero Beach:

When: Friday, Nov. 11th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.


We are excited to grow our network and hope you will invite new ladies to join us each month!

Featured Speaker:
Margo Montgomery

Featured Topic:
Decluttering your Inner World to Better Receive and Give Love.

• The ways we block the natural flow of love in all its forms.
• The most powerful question to ask yourself when you get stuck
• How to respond to your life vs react: a game changer for joy and connection



When: Wednesday, Nov. 16th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Amy Evans
GIFTING GAL & Cutting Edge Gifts

SEVEN Personalized Gifts to help you Build Strong Relationships with your Best clients, vendors, referral partners ….this Christmas!

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook by clicking here.

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
Become an November 2022 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available for 2023.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.

Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons; it’s going to be a wonderful year!

Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
Sponsored by:
White Glove Moving & Storage and

October 2022 Networking LineUp

Come lunch with leading ladies of the Treasure Coast up to 3x’s per month!
No annual cost, no attendance requirements;
just the cost of lunch when you attend.

Meetings are held throughout the Treasure Coast each month as follows:
1st Tuesday- Port St. Lucie
2nd Friday- Vero Beach
3rd Wednesday- Stuart
Non-industry exclusive. Super fun, cost-effective, positive and informative!

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, Oct. 4th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. *restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Veronica Kolibab
Neese Roofing

Featured Topic:
3 Surprises That Can Bite Badly


Vero Beach:

When: Friday, Oct. 14th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable

Featured Speaker:
Carolyn Raitt
Ocean Sands Wellness

Featured Topic:
What’s holding you back? Uncover what’s preventing you from living your best life.



When: Wednesday, Oct. 19th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend.*restaurants are being paid ahead of time for the headcount provided.
This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Cheree Ramirez
Manager of Community Engagement
Children’s Services Council of MC

Community Unity and our Martin County Homeowner Campaign.

Want to Attend ALL Three?
Reserve your seat now and pay just one processing fee plus get a free Facebook shout out to our active group of over 3k members! Best deal!
Become an October 2022 Chica Trio!

ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

treasure coast women networking

Ladies Networking August 2022

Port St. Lucie:

When: Tuesday, Aug 2nd

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Tutto Fresco

Address: 9501 Reserve Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Ellen Contreras
Treasure Coast Connector

Featured Topic:
Social Media & Websites – Valuable Real Estate – How are you showing up?

Please mark that you are planning to attend on Facebook.

Vero Beach:

When: Friday, Aug. 12th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: Crab Stop

Address: 89 Royal Palm Pt.,
Vero Beach, FL 32960

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Veronica Kolibab
Neese Roofing

Featured Topic:
3 Surprises That Can Bite Badly

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook .


When: Wednesday, 17th

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Where: Michelina’s Restaurant

Address: 1835 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
(next to Benjamin Moore Paint; East side of US1 across from Stuart Bowl)

Cost: $22 *includes processing fees. You must reserve your ticket online in order to attend. This is non-refundable.

Featured Speaker:
Cinthya Lavin
Better Business Bureau Serving SE Florida and Caribbean

The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

Please mark that you are attending on Facebook.


ANNA VALENCIA TILLERY, group hostess, emcee and Director of Marketing for White Glove Moving, Storage & Delivery is available to answer any questions you may have. 772-232-7843

Maximum of 50-75 ladies (depending on the venue).
First come/first served, and we do fill up, so please Reserve your ticket quickly using the links above.

What to Bring & What to Expect:

Check in starts at 11:30 am. Our program will start at 12 p.m. ending around 1:30pm.

Plan to bring lots of business cards and a name badge (sticker tags available).

Enjoy a fabulous chef selected lunch (includes a small dessert and non-alcoholic drink; drink special available for purchase) while being inspired/informed by a fabulous speaker.
*Special dietary restrictions need to be discussed with server at time of drink order.

*Special pricing for wines by the glass or featured drink will be offered.

30 second promotion opportunity

Testimonial(s) for other ladies in the room.

1 door prize per person/per company represented (door prizes are to be a tangible item or service by definition it is ” A thing given as a reward .”
Discounts off services are not considered a prize rather an incentive.

Receipts for the lunch will be emailed afterwards along with pictures of the business cards from the lunch and links to all the pictures taken.

Please bring cash to participate in our 50/50 drawing. $$$
The other half of the pot will go to the deserving waitstaff who takes such great care of us all.
$5 for 3
$2 for 1

Speaker opportunities available for 2023.
$50 plus cost of your lunch.
Email for more information or call Anna at 772-538-3085.
Cost includes all pre-advertising and emails of all guests for follow up.

Want More Exposure?
Be found 24/7/365 by Joining our Online Directory.
Sign up to be in our directory just $50 for the whole year!
While on the website, check out other directory members, view our blog, reserve tickets and more.

Thank you to White Glove Moving & Storage as well as for your ongoing support on our networking luncheons!

Treasure Coast Premier Women’s Network
Sponsored by:
White Glove Moving & Storage and

© Copyright - Treasure Coast Premier Women's Network