Tag Archive for: moving during covid19

Virtual Vero Ladies’ Networking Luncheon

We are meeting virtually again for the May 8th lunch. At no cost, though a donation option is available to benefit our charity Next Gen Vets of IR County, join in the only Vero ladies’ networking luncheon via Zoom.

At the heart of Pampered Chef is the mission of bringing families and friends back to the table for meals.

It is around the table that we create memories and start new traditions as well as strengthen our ability to communicate with others.

The ability to communicate clearly is needed with family, through professional networking and completing business transactions. When we strengthen communication with our children, parents and partners, we are helping create long term success.

This all comes back to mealtime although we don’t generally make that connection. So lets learn a few fun kitchen concepts together this month…


Vero Ladies' Networking speaker Christina McIntosh

Featured Speaker:

Christina McIntosh

For 20 years, Christina McIntosh, Independent Advanced Director, has thrived on assisting others. She helps them choose the right tools to make meal prep simple so they can focus on the more important things. She believes the right tools make every task feasible and mealtime is no different.

When: Friday, May 8, 2020

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

*11:30-12 p.m. will be break out groups of 5, in a first come /first group basis. A topic will be given so all in the grouping can share and get to know one another. Vero Ladies’ Networking will be fun!

Cost: Donation happily accepted, to benefit our current charity, Next Gen Vets of IR County. Thank you to the ladies who contributed last month; you rock!

Donate here.

Where: via Zoom compliments of Christina McIntosh with Pampered Chef.

(*link sent prior to event)

RSVP is a must.  Email Anna ASAP at AnnaV@WhiteGloveUSA.net to reserve your spot. 

Please do so by Thursday, May 7th at 12pm.  *A link will be sent prior to the meeting via email. *A tutorial video will be posted to our FB page, please check it out for fun Zoom tips.

All who attend will get time to pitch themselves, business, or need after our speaker has presented.

Be sure to check out and register to be a part of the online directory. Sign up for 12 months and get 13!
We will be having a lunch this year in July; bonus!

Special thanks to our signature sponsor, White Glove Moving & Storage for your continued support allowing us to keep growing after 3 years and supporting a number of great local charities along the way. Also, our hearts go out to all the seniors and caregivers at our normal luncheon home base of Regency Independent Living; wishing you all health!